Ba Israel Business The Facts About Director Disqualification

The Facts About Director Disqualification

When it is triggered,the process of director disqualification is handled by the Insolvency Service. Sometimes this occurs when an employee feels one of the directors of their company is unfit. The reasons behind this are many,but any director needs to understand what director disqualification is and how it works.

What Exactly Is Director Disqualification?

The director disqualification process is commenced when the director of a company is thought to be possibly unfit for his post. It must be remembered that anyone can report a company’s director’s conduct as being unfit,and it is at this time that the Insolvency Service will commence the investigation.

What Conduct is Thought to be Unfit

Unfit conduct covers a number of different behaviours that you need to understand.

These behaviours include letting the company to continue trading when it is unable to pay its debts,although it is important to know that ‘Insolvent trading’ may not be a reason to consider that a director is at fault. However,’Wrongful trading’ is a major offence and if a director is accused of this they would be wise to seek legal help. Other reasons are,not keeping correct books,not sending the books,not paying the taxes that the company owes and not providing returns to Companies House. Using company assets or money for personal benefit is another reason that can be seen as unfit conduct.

The Penalties

If the Insolvency Service’s investigation finds that the director is unfit,they could be disqualified for 15 years. In this time period,they will not be able act as a director of a company in the UK or for any a company that has a UK connection. They cannot get around this by sitting in the background either,as forming or marketing a company within this time is also not allowed. If they break these rules,the offence committed means that they could face a fine and a prison sentence of up to 2 years.

Just How Does Disqualification Work

When there is a complaint against a director or the company is involved in any insolvency actions,an investigation will be triggered by the Insolvency Service. At this time,if the Insolvency Service considers that the director has not met the legal responsibilities of the role of director,the director will be told about this by letter. This communication will include the areas where they feel the director has failed to meet the required standards. It will also say thatthey are going to start the disqualification process and how you can respond.

When a director receives this communication,they have 2 ways forward. One of these is to wait for the Insolvency Service to start court action. Here you will be able to disagree in court saying why you think the Insolvency Service is not correct in their assessment.

The second option is to provide the Insolvency Service with a disqualification undertaking. Here you agree to voluntary disqualification and you will not have to go to court. It is however recommended that you get legal help before you take this course.

There are Other Ways of Disqualification Being Triggered

There are other bodies that can apply for a director to be disqualified. However this is only allowed under certain circumstances. Such bodies include Companies House,the courts,a company insolvency practitioner and the Competition and Markets Authority. All of these groups follow a process similar to that of the Insolvency Service.

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Do you really need an emergency plumber? If you are building a swimming pool,you probably don’t,but if the inside of your house starts to imitate a swimming pool,you most probably do.

There are undoubtedly jobs that require the services of a licensed plumber,such as when your toilet backs up into your tubs and sinks,or when you require putting in a new pipe line. However,there are jobs that require not just any plumber but an emergency plumber,such as when water uncontrollably runs out of your faucet and toilets starts flooding the house. However,they are at a premium. How do you know if there is a need for their services or not?

Do You Really Need An Emergency Plumber?

Before contacting any plumber,you would need to turn off the water supply,or if possible the waterline that supplies the fixture. This will prevent any further water damage. This would also most likely stop the flow of water. Once you’ve stopped the water flow,assess the situation. If the problem is an overflowing toilet,you will be all right until the morning,as long as you don’t flush. You could also wait in the morning if you will be able to find alternatives,such as using the kitchen sink instead of the bathroom sink. You can then avoid paying for premium for calling in a 24-hour plumber during the night hours,or during holidays or weekend.

Calling an Emergency Plumber

However,if after turning off the water and assessing the situation,and your plumbing crisis cannot be put off,be prepared before calling an emergency plumber and have some information and questions readily available when you get hold of one.

Before calling the plumber’s number,try to identify the problems as closely as you can. The more specific and more details you can provide,the better they will be able to gauge the emergency and estimate the cost of repair.

It is also a good idea to call several plumber’s numbers if you do not yet have a licensed plumber of choice. You will be able to get several quotes of service call fees as there could sometimes be significant difference in prices.

Also ask for a quote for the service call. Some will charge for simply coming to your house,even if they would not be doing any repairs then. Make sure to ask for this amount ahead of time,and not be surprised by it in your bill.

Ask for an estimate for the total cost of repairs. Some 24-hour plumbers will not want to give an estimate over the phone,and would want to personally assess the plumbing situation first. But you may be able to get a rough estimate and an idea of the price if you come well-informed about the plumbing emergency. Picture out the scenario to your emergency plumber and ask for the usual or average cost of repair.

If you are calling an emergency service,always ask for the emergency plumber to call you first,so that you will be able to talk to the plumber personally and get a better estimate of cost.

So for the time when you wake up at night and the house starts to be like an indoor pool,don’t panic. Stop the water flow,assess the situation,and if it is an plumbing crisis that need immediate action,call an emergency plumber to come out to your house.Payless Plumbing Fort Lauderdale

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If you’ve been researching into digital marketing and SEO for any length of time,you will have seen that this arena is constantly changing. Staying up-to-date is a full-time job,which is why so many businesses are turning to digital marketing agencies such asfive channels.

Whether you are thinking of going it alone or having a company take care of your needs,here are some things you should be aware of.

1. Voice Search

Voice search refers to services like Siri,Alexa and Google Assistant,which can make recommendations based on organic search results. To take advantage of voice search,businesses should optimize their keywords,so they appear in conversational phrases; the more precisely,the better.

2. Video Engagement

The popularity of video content has skyrocketed. This is partly due to better internet speeds,more social media,and the use of smartphones. Creating content your audience loves will boost your search engine rankings.

3. More Structured Snippets

Google encourages users to click on the best result via custom widgets and Structured Snippets on the search engine results page. If you have top-ranked content ranking for high-volume search terms,Structured Snippets may deliver that info to the user without them even visiting your site.

4. Google Prioritizing Mobile

Modern businesses must get on board with mobile to be competitive. Mobile-friendliness,such as fast loading times and AMP,is a major ranking factor for Google.

5. Social Media and Searching

While there is a lot of focus on search engines,don’t take your eye off social media. Increasingly,people are using social media platforms as search engines. Your business can make the most of this trend with organic and paid targeting.

Digital marketing and SEO help your business not only survive but thrive using solid data and metrics to maximize your online presence.

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As you’ll see,there are many ‘flavors’ of affiliate marketing: different approaches,different platforms,most of which can rightfully be termed “affiliate marketing”.
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This is not intended to be an almanac of disparate affiliate marketing tactics.


  1. Choose Your Niche / Topic
  2. Develop Your Keyword List
  3. Create Your Content
  4. Build Your Website
  5. Monetize Your Website
  6. Drive Traffic
  7. Optimize & Improve
  8. Expand

Conceptually,affiliate marketing like this is fairly simple & straightforward: Choose your topic,determine which keywords & phrases are used to search in that topic,write articles optimized for those keywords,build the site using the content you created,add links to related affiliate products,then get the attention of people interested in the topic. For additional help on this affiliate marketing process:-

Visitors show up to browse the content,and some percentage click through and buy from your affiliate links,thereby generating your profits.

Here,we will break this down into a series of digestible and doable steps,building one on top of the next,until you have your business up,running,and generating revenues.

None of these steps is terribly complex or mystical; in fact,most have many ways to accomplish them,even many ‘right’ ways. But the difference between just ‘doing’ them,and doing them in a way that gets the results we’re after,while often subtle,are absolutely the difference between success & failure.

There are many ways to choose a niche,build a site,and drive traffic,but only a few will that result in strong,continuous conversions – the sales that produce your profits.

What is a niche anyway?

Your niche or topic is the basis of your website – it’s what your site will be about,it’s “Reason For Being”.

Choose the ‘wrong’ niche,and the best you can hope for is a constant struggle; more likely you’ll simply fail.

Choosing the ‘right’ niche won’t,by itself,insure success,but it is the single biggest determining factor,and what drives all subsequent steps.

If there’s anything ‘hard’ about picking your niche,it’s having to choose from so many excellent potential opportunities.

Once you know how to come up with and qualify niche ideas,the real fun begins – because as you’ll see,there are a near-infinite number of
good,lucrative niche site ideas waiting to be exploited. Your biggest problem will be deciding which to pursue

That said,I often hear from people who are just starting out that choosing a niche is difficult or frustrating – even mindboggling.

The four most common “complaints” I hear are:

  1. Not knowing where to begin;
  2. Not being able to come up with good ideas;
  3. Not knowing if an idea will be profitable;
  4. Not knowing if an idea is achievable.

One of the most important aspects of choosing your niche or topic is your “Reason For Being”.

Your Reason for Being is the reason your website exists,the justification for visitors to go there. Without a good,clear Reason for Being you’re sunk before you even begin.

Reason for Being answers the question “why would someone take the time & effort to visit your site”,shapes the approach you take,and dictates your content.

Suppose I have a passion for animals,and decide I want to create a site in the ‘pets’ niche.

After brainstorming,looking around online,thinking about my own experiences,etc.,I decide to create a site about keeping pets for apartment dwellers. Having lived in big cities and being a pet lover,I know there are unique challenges and restrictions for pet lovers in the city. Large or very active dogs,for instance,don’t typically do well living in an apartment. If it’s a walk-up,that poses additional challenges. Even tropical fish can pose problems – very large aquariums are immensely heavy and require firm,strong flooring underneath.

If I were to simply build a site without consideration of my Reason for Being,it would end up being a hodge-podge of marginally-related articles,with little cohesion or connectedness.

Looking at this example,however,I can come up with a clear,strong Reason for Being: addressing the specific challenges facing apartment dwellers who want to have a pet or pets. Now,instead of assembling a hodge-podge of articles,I can map out a strategy that will dictate my content:

  • Dog breeds that adapt well to apartment living
  • Desensitizing your dog to noise & activity
  • Treadmills: exercising your dog when you can’t take him out

Your Reason for Being provides the reason for someone to visit your site. The clearer and more specific your Reason for Being,the better off you’ll be.An easier,obvious example is a review site. A site reviewing coffee makers would have as it’s reason for being,comparing different coffee makers in order to make a purchase decision.Improving the Reason for Being,we might instead build a review site around a narrower,more specific choice,for example “Home Espresso Makers”.

While there may be less people looking,it will be considerably easier to get and convert visitors looking to find out about and purchase a “Home Espresso Maker” than just a generic “Coffer Maker”.Taking that a step further still,”Home Espresso Makers For Price-Conscious Shoppers” is a clear,direct,and specific Reason for Being.

Someone looking for a low-priced home espresso maker will literally light up if they find a site devoted to “Home Espresso Makers For Price-Conscious Shoppers”.Examples of strong Reason for Being’s include:

Review & comparison sites

‘How To’ and tutorial sites

‘Top X’ and ‘best of’ sites

Unique solutions (i.e. ‘home remedies’,or our example above,etc)

Expertise sites

Unmet needs

‘Better mousetraps’

Whatever niche or topic you decide on,make sure you frame it with a clear,specific Reason for Being.